“Why are these shoes uncomfortable?” A veteran’s journey to finding the right cultural, business and relationship fit.
About two years before I left the military, I thought, "ok, if you don't want to go hungry, cold or end up in a depressive state, you better figure out how not to be a [...]
Creating synergies helped me launch my dream.
There is an old saying, "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts". Even before I left the military it was ingrained in me that WE is stronger than I. This core belief carried [...]
Clarity to bridge the employment gap.
Throughout my career search for the right fit I have come to realize several realities in transitioning. No matter how much this Sailor wants to disagree with an Army guy, Michael Quinn is right more often [...]
Transitioning from the military order of priorities… Make yourself competitive first.
Make yourself competitive first, then blow them away because you are a veteran. Lately a few folks have asked me how did I successfully transition from active duty to the civilian sector and being in a [...]